Sunday, October 24, 2010


mi vida en argentina
se la llena
evoca una parte de mi que
no hubiera visto
en muchos años
una rebanada de manzana dulce
marrones de vez en cuando
pero prospera de la gente
que llenan mi corazón de alegria

my life in argentina
evokes a part of me
not seen in many years
a slice of a sweet apple
that browns from time to time
but prospers from the people
who fill my heart with joy

october 22, 2010

My Symphony

la vida es mi sinfonia
una atorcha que quema brillante
una hoja cae al tierra
una nuevo comienzo
al final

life is my symphony
a torch that burns bright
a leaf falls to the ground
a new beginning
at the end

october 24, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Haiku Inspired By Hyounsook Cho

across the screen red dots flash
black borders control
an ability to flee

blood cells grow
in a moist environment
to capture our essense

red stop signs
wake up call
attention to borders

red squares
melt into circles
of continuity

valentine in a sea
of floating lovers
touch one another

January 25, 2010

Western Avenue

millions of people
this quiet pristine place
of simple beauty

a blade of grass
after a cleansing storm
basks in shining light

in other parts we take
this scene for granted
but here I see a
magnificent charm of green

which soothes
our pot of chicken soup
and warms our heart
in an indescribable manner

January 23, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

For all of you aspiring poetry
bloggers on blogspot.
the typeset font is called Georgia
and the text size is Large.

Happy Haiku Year 2010

On a beautiful day in early January...

I walked along the beach
gave thanks for life
in the New Year.

What I saw
as I walked along the beach
are told here in tales of haiku.

Long Beach enchants
with incredible sunshine
Wendy's beautiful home

South land enchants
with a lovely day
Tom's beautiful home

Long Beach marina
basks in sun shine
New Year blossoms

Cold ocean water
splashes on my toes
happy New Year

Long Beach Harbor
in all her glory
boats coming home

birds flying every where
talk to me
children to and fro

a fisherman
casts his bait
I wait and see

seagull take off
over the water
dives for wave

January 2, 2010